This is the time when I dream of just one thing in life - the judgement. No other phase of my life has been spent like this before... waiting for just one thing...
18 Mar 2007
It needs a great deal of courage to face failure. It needs greater deal of courage to face success!
25 Mar 2007
Another week begins ushering in newer hopes, newer dreams, newer aspirations... will it all really work out?
28 Mar 2007
The Sun Rises...
The sun rises, marking the dawn of another day, another battle, another attempt to win the war of aspirations and development. The day before has shown where I faltered, the evening before has been spent in contemplating how today would be, the night before has been spent in dreaming of a brighter today. And today is right at the door step. There is no looking back. The day is going to be long, but the goals are clear to me. The priorities have been worked out the previous evening itself. I am going to be judged on how strong I hold on to my priorities, how able I am in managing the primary objectives, while not losing sight of secondary and tertiary elements of life which support me all the time. And out I set, with a bag on my shoulder. I carry my dreams in it. I carry my weapons in it – weapons of determination, weapons of courage and weapons of mental strength. I meet friends, who are in the same line of thought, friends who would add a lot of value to my line of thought, friends who would become my source of inspiration, friends whose company shall see me through the scorch of the sun in the afternoon. Every passing hour becomes more and more challenging as the day progresses. Maintaining a right balance between the priorities becomes an important task. Life suddenly seems so busy. But there is nothing to be worried about. All this was envisaged the evening before. It is just a matter of executing it. Karma is my duty. The results aren’t. I derive the energy of inspiration from souls who have fought this war of day before. I derive the call of duty from the conscience within. I derive the word of caution from failures around. I derive the sense of joy from my innate happiness within. And thus continues the day. It is the time the sun reaches the zenith. The sweat on the brow matters a lot. That is what provides the much needed relief of the hour. The first part of the day is complete. I do not know how nearly half of the day was spent. But the apprehensions of the first half of the day bog me down during the siesta. Is this the day I envisaged? Is this how it was supposed to go? Is this what is going to take me to a good night sleep in the end? I wake up to a surprise. The first half of the day has indeed been well spent. Outcomes show themselves up. But with joy, they bring in greater challenges with them for the rest of the day. They promise a tougher life before the sun sets. They promise to make my life miserable if I do not tackle them well. They promise a battle with every passing minute. In the meanwhile, the secondary and tertiary priorities start taking a beating. I become thoughtful. Is this how I wanted it to be? Every minute I lose in this retrospective, I lose a valuable opportunity to prepare myself for the rest of the day. I decide to gamble. First things first. I dive into the second half of the day with more courage, more determination and more dreams. Concentrate on this one thing and you shall lose the view of the rest. I start feeling this thought flowing through my veins. Every moment becomes a bloody battle, every hour throws up new tasks, new challenges. Every second makes me realize – miles to go before I sleep. And here I am, just waiting to see the sunset. One last minute and the sun would be gone for the day. I do not know the outcomes of all what I have done during the day. But what I know is that I have done my best. May the setting sun remember that there is someone who has put in his life into what he has done during the day. It has been a tough day. I shall look forward to a brighter morning that awaits me, for all the wars I have fought during this one long day.
3 Apr 2007
With the countdown touching single digits, I hardly find time to think of anything else. Eagerness is getting replaced by nervousness. I find myself spending a lot of time thinking...
5 Apr 2007
Failures prick like thorns... prick deep... deep into the flesh... It hurts... especially when they come after a sincere effort...
12 Apr 2007
I just wish that The Judgement came out today. But The Plans seem to be different. The Day has been pushed nine days further down.
20 Apr 2007
Who did ever say that something called timely justice ever exists? The judgement seems to be getting delayed further down...
23 Apr 2007
A judgement blocks The Judgement!
27 Apr 2007
The judgement is here finally! Move to the next blog!!